Coaching SErvices

Tired of Feeling Anxious All. The. Time?

see the coaching menu

Rediscover Your Inner Warriors: Safety, Courage and Radiant Authenticity.

So you can finally get off the never-ending rollercoaster of stress and worry and turn your "I can't!..." into "I'm doing it!!!"

Navigate life's challenges with more ease and resilience...

And reconnect with your authentic self, I'm so glad you're here.

As someone who's struggled with anxiety, depression and general stuck-in-the-mudness, I know how overwhelming and isolating AF it can feel.

That's why I've crafted these coaching offerings.

To provide a safe and nurturing space for you to:
  • Explore your inner world
  • Release what no longer serves you, and
  • Rediscover your innate wisdom and strength

Without a positive affirmation and good-vibes-only TedTALK in sight. 
Yep, I understand that sometimes you just need a safe space to land and process what's coming up for you sans long-term commitment.

That's why I also offer one-off sessions, for those times when you need a little extra support or a gentle reminder of your inherent wholeness and resilience.

If and when you're ready to dive deep, I offer the following packages:

  • Calm Catalyst - 1 month of coaching
  • Courage Cultivator  - 2 months of coaching
  • Spellbinding Safety - 3 months of packages

You'll get compassionate support and effective strategies to navigate anxiety with greater ease and self-trust.

Whether your anxiety shows up as racing thoughts, constant worry, or physical symptoms, we'll work together to gently ground your body to help you find the inner safety we can all access (but just don't know how to).

Through a blend of somatic practices, guided hypnotherapy, and nervous system regulation techniques, I'll help your body and mind experience deep relaxation and safety.

You'll discover practical tools to self-regulate, quiet the anxious chatter and cultivate a renewed sense of inner peace and groundedness.

On this powerful journey of coming home to yourself by releasing the choking grip of anxiety, I invite you to explore my coaching packages and one-off sessions below.

There's little in life more soul-firing than walking beside another human to help them rediscover their innate power and step into their most peaceful, radiant self :).

So If you'Re ready to

Take The First Step...

"Sounds good bUt I don't wanna commit..."

  • Calm Catalyst
  • Individual Sessions
  • Spellbinding safety
  • Marketing coaching
  • Courage cultivator


3 months

1 month

2 months


Click me!

The Coaching Menu

Coaching SErvices

"Caroline reverse Fifty Shaded me... and helped me feel understood

I recently went through a traumatic situation which I thought I had to deal with alone. But dearest Queen Caroline showed me otherwise!

My feelings seemed like they were hostage to that event. I told her I felt like I was choking (not the fun kind) and Caroline whipped me out of it. 

In several steps, she detangled the whole situation with possibly the most creative visualisation techniques. 

What had been weighing on me for DAYS had disappeared in mere 40 minutes. 

Caroline's words, exercises, the guided meditation in her soothing voice - everything works!

I've written for many "soul" clients I love and respect, and Caroline's outlook on life and business is on par with them!

One more thing:
Ma’am please trademark your: 'Unless I choose to cancel myself, no one can cancel me' #burn #shotsfired" 

Karima Khan
6-Figure Launch Strategist
 and Copywriter

Individual Coaching sessions

Nervous System Regulation
+ Somatic Coaching

In this transformative 60-minute session, we'll create a safe space for you to explore what's currently going in your life.

Through embodied practices, compassionate inquiry, and techniques drawn from hypnotherapy, somatic and nervous system regulation practices, we'll work together to help you access a deep sense of grounding and inner safety.

You'll have the opportunity to share your experiences, fears, and hopes without judgment, and to feel truly heard and supported.

We'll look at patterns or beliefs that may be contributing to your challenges, and explore new perspectives that align with your authentic self.

You'll receive practical tools to help you self-regulate, quiet anxious chatter, and cultivate greater calm and resilience.

book a
one-off session

Whether you've been coached before and need extra support or a curious new client, this one-off session offers a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your innate wisdom, strength, and inner safety.

You'll leave with a renewed sense of clarity, groundedness, and trust in your ability to navigate life's challenges with more ease.

If you're ready to take a powerful step towards reclaiming your inner peace and aliveness, I invite you to book your one-off coaching session below.

I'd be honoured to hold this space for you and support you in reconnecting with the unshakable safety and resilience within you.


Coaching Services

SUPER Tasty testies* from

Super Tasty Humans

*short for testimonials

Ry Schwartz
Launch Consultant, Author and Lead Coach at Empire Engineering For Coaches, Consultants, and Course Creators

Sara Sheriff
Artist, Doll-Maker and Founder of Wildwood Maker

One MOnth of Coaching

Calm Catalyst 

The Goal
To provide ongoing support given in an individual session and to equip you with a variety of practical tools to find more calm and presence during stressful situations.

  • Breathwork
  • Guided visualisations
  • Body awareness practices

You'll develop techniques to reduce harmful reactivity and regain a sense of steadiness when feeling overwhelmed.

While challenges will still arise, you'll build skills to respond in more conscious, value-aligned ways.

get started

The Details
4x 60-minute transformative sessions where we'll use body-centred practices to:

  • Calm your nervous system and find a deep sense of inner peace

  • Cultivate a greater sense of ease, safety, and groundedness

  • Give your mind and body the rest and renewal they crave

Together, we'll explore any areas of your life you'd like to change, and I'll provide compassionate coaching and practical tools to support you.

🎁 Bonus: Receive email or Voxer support between sessions for continuous guidance, encouragement and cheerleading on your journey.

get started

two MOnths of Coaching

Courage Cultivator

The Goal
Over the next two months, you'll strengthen your capacity to move through fears and expand your comfort zones.

  • Calm Catalyst practices
  • Guided hypnotherapy sessions
  • Emotional regulation techniques
  • Mindfulness and grounding practices

You'll shift limiting beliefs and develop new neural pathways of resilience.

Your self-trust, assuredness, and a willingness to take action aligned with your values will grow, giving you more confidence to go after what matters most to you.

The Details
8x 60-minute transformative sessions where we'll use body-centred practices to:

  • Calm your nervous system and find a deep sense of inner peace

  • Cultivate a greater sense of ease, safety, and groundedness

  • Give your mind and body the rest and renewal they crave

Together, we'll explore any areas of your life you'd like to change, and I'll provide compassionate coaching and practical tools to support you.

🎁 Bonus: Receive email or Voxer support between sessions for continuous guidance, encouragement and cheerleading on your journey.

get started

get started

three MOnths of Coaching 

Spellbinding Safety

The Goal
Over the course of the next three months, you'll start the adventure of deepening your sense of inner safety, empowerment, and joy.

Through a combination of:
  • Somatic practices
  • Guided hypnosis
  • Emotional freedom technique (EFT) 
  • Nervous system regulation techniques 

We'll work on shifting long-held patterns of fear and limitation.

You will:
  • Build your capacity for embodied presence, emotional resilience, and authentic self-expression

  • Develop a strong foundation of inner safety, self-trust, and wholeness

  • Gain tools to work with old wounds and challenges, transforming them into sources of wisdom and strength

  • Experience a renewed sense of freedom, aliveness and self-acceptance in your daily life

The Details
12x 60-minute transformative sessions where we'll use body-centred practices to:

  • Calm your nervous system and find a deep sense of inner peace

  • Cultivate a greater sense of ease, safety, and groundedness

  • Give your mind and body the rest and renewal they crave

Together, we'll explore any areas of your life you'd like to change, and I'll provide compassionate coaching and practical tools to support you.

🎁 Bonus: Receive email or Voxer support between sessions for continuous guidance, encouragement and cheerleading on your journey.

get started

get started

Silvy Codde
Mind, Body, Soul Coach

And take the next smallest step towards finally getting my message across.

She is so majestic at seeing my brilliance, even before I could see it.

Not only does she hold space and let me come up with my answers to sort through the mess and drama and distill what my next step is...

She's also good at giving me practical solutions. And I just adore her copy.

I'm a big, big fan and I aspire to become my own version of Caroline in that way.

I just love how she intermingles techniques to down regulate my nervous system...

As well as give me practical tips...

I am in awe."

"Caroline's coaching has been instrumental in helping me ditch the overwhelm...

Forget Mindset werk, let's zshush up your brainset!

Marketing + Copy Coaching

Whether you're a copywriter or a coach who's got some gremlins holding you back from doing things you *know* will make a difference to your business...

Gremlins like:
  • Flight/freeze responses to posting content
  • People pleasing and over-giving tendencies 
  • Limiting beliefs you just can't shift
  • Launch strategy dilemmas
  • Offer and pricing woes
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Toxic perfectionism
  • Lack of confidence

Book a session with me and we'll blend neuroscience and nervous system calming techniques with...

  • Laughter
  • A do-able, yum-to-you "Plan" or next steps
  • Marketing strategies that work minus the ick
  • Practical and super simple gremlin-taming tools

So you can start getting out of your head and back into your body... and start sharing your magic with the people who need it.

shift your
Marketing Brainset


"She showed me what matters and what to let go of to rise and shine 

I had an amazing coaching session with none other than the Corean Queen Caroline Shine and the value she delivered blew my mind.

She offered exceptional value during the discussion about mindset, copy, and mind-boggling challenges.

I have met only a handful of people with the same energy and positivity as her.

This Queen knows her stuff and showed me what matters and what to let go of to rise and shine.

With the newfound clarity imparted to me by the Corean-Queen Caffeinated drink, I am ready to take on new clients.

**Update: After the great mind-clearing and confidence building session, I asked my client for a raise of about 20%. 

And guess what??? 

He raised 30%!!!
 I love you Caroline. Thanks a bunch to make me see what I'm capable of doing and leading the way."

Afsheen Mujtaba

Ecomm Copywriter
and Email Strategist

"Caroline can help calm your nervous systeM

Caroline made launching my high ticket group coaching program a BREEZE!

It was by far my most profitable and easiest launch EVER! 💸

We ran the launch for 7 days, and In only one of the days, launch strategy I brought in over $21,000 in CASH (all pay in full students) 

Cannot recommend her enough.

Not only she is an amazing copywriter and strategist...

She is also a very good mindset mentor that with various techniques is able to help you bring your nervous system back to neutrality during the highs and lows of the launch process!

Business Mentor For
Six-Figure Photographers

Alex Jade

Copywriter and Marketing Strategist

"If you work with Caroline, you're guaranteed to see results!”

She’s not only helped me a ton with copywriting and referred me to high- paying clients who I love working with...

But Caroline's also helped me when I was feeling down during the beginning stages of my copywriting career. 

If you work with this Frau, you are guaranteed to see results!”

Hugh Tan

"Caroline is the kind of person who always goes above and beyond 

Caroline is the real B.I.T.C.H. 

Beautiful Soul
Inspiring NO BS attitude 
Terrific Marketer 
Captivating Copywriter 
Honestly Helpful Lady 

That's how I know her. 

She supported me like anything when I launched my story-writing offer.

And I'm forever grateful for that.

Sometimes she can get pesky & nerdy about typos and grammar stuff, but hey, even that's good for your business. :) 

If you want your business to stand out authentically while reflecting your personality, go hire Caroline.

Emotional Response Copywriter
and USP Engineer

Mani Sadasivam

"Gonna watch this video multiple times. so damn valuable

I used to think my copy was good, but Caroline's review helped me understand where I was going wrong all these years."

Conversion Copywriter and Content Strategist

Noman Shaikh

Standard One

I do not coach without consent.

My Pledge to You

The 10 Ethical Standards

I do not sell without consent.

My Pledge to You

The 10 Ethical Standards

Standard two

Standard three

In marketing and selling, I will treat people the way I would treat my clients:

With respect, transparency, thoughtfulness and genuine care for their well-being.

The 10 Ethical Standards

My Pledge to You

Standard Four

The best that anyone can be in our presence is our thoughts about them.

I base all my work with clients in unconditional positive regard.

If I cannot feel unconditional positive regard for someone (and that’s okay because we’re human), I refer them out to someone who can.

The 10 Ethical Standards

My Pledge to You

Standard five

I understand that neither human development nor coaching happen in a social and political vacuum.

I will be outspoken about my values and make business decisions that reflect them.

I will never put profit above values. 

The 10 Ethical Standards

My Pledge to You

Standard six

I believe in every human’s capacity for healing, change and growth, and the reality of miraculous quantum change.

AND I do not bypass slow, steady, repeated work and cultivation of the grounded presence it takes to stay with things that take time.

The 10 Ethical Standards

My Pledge to You

My Pledge to You

Standard seven

The 10 Ethical Standards

I stay fiercely awake and present to pain and suffering inherent in life and the world.

However, I do not let it overwhelm me and stop me from believing in the magic and fun of coaching work.

My Pledge to You

The 10 Ethical Standards

Standard eight

I am open to all possibilities but am dogmatic about nothing.

My Pledge to You

The 10 Ethical Standards

Standard nine

I don’t do gurus. I don’t do cult-y thinking.

You are the best authority on you, the client is the best authority on themselves, and I do not endorse outsourcing decision-making or responsibility for how we experience the world and create our reality to anyone else.

My Pledge to You

Standard ten

The 10 Ethical Standards

I do not aim to be the perfect practitioner or perfect human.

I aim to learn, do a little better than yesterday, and have fun.

... with more ease than ever, thanks to the copywriting work Caroline did on our sales page and email sequence!

We exceeded our sales goals and closed 74% of calls! 🥳🤯

Before hiring Caroline, I thought, "Will this really be better than me doing it myself?"

Well, we made far more sales than we would have without Caroline, and felt so proud of the copy that went out to our email list!

Caroline's attention to detail, storytelling, and focus on getting real customer testimonials via interviews was very impressive.

Caroline taking the copywriting off my plate allowed me to make my course better, by offering three extra bonuses I never would have had time to create otherwise.

I highly recommend Caroline's copywriting services because she gets results in terms of sales and brand credibility."

I was expecting Caroline to just go away and rewrite my sales page... but she absolutely blew me away.

She interviewed my clients, encouraged me to a Black Friday deal (separate to the launch) which I got my ROI just by doing that. 

The process of working with Caroline was incredible. She's so much fun to work with and very funny!

I love how responsive she was to my voice messages. My launch was over the Christmas & New Year holidays and Caroline was always on hand to help with the little pre-launch and launch panic moments.

In terms of results, it's my best launch ever with over 33% of event participants signing up to my flagship offer (annual membership).

Other unexpected bonuses: Caroline's given me the "blueprint" for future launches and encouraged me to continue making more content on Tiktok and other social media."

"Caroline is an encouraging Launch BFF!

Productivity Coaches and Best-selling Authors

Melanie Moore
- Melanie Moore EFT -

"We sold out the program and had a 6-figure launch...

Emotional Freedom Technique and Big Vision Coach

Demir and Carey Bentley
- Lifehack Method -

Take me to the services

"The most personable and fun person I've ever
worked with

Caroline is the most talented copywriter I've ever met!

This praise is not hyperbole; I've never met a more adaptable writer or one with as much wit and charm.

As a writer and writing coach, I greatly respect her wordsmithery talents and the breadth of experience she offers.

Caroline never takes her gifts for granted -- she's a perpetual seeker of knowledge.

She loves to learn and grow as much as I do, which is why I've entrusted her as my coach in all things copywriting and UX.

Camille Campins-Adams
- Author Legacy Project -

I whizzed through the audit &…wow! It’s so good! 

Your suggestions & comments were great & I loved that you explained why you were making them whole while not ‘demanding’ I make them.

It made me feel as if you were a guide rather than a dogmatic teacher, which, as someone who hates following rules, is the perfect approach for me 😄.


Life Coach for Lawyers
and Corporate Professionals

Writing Coach
and Book Launch Strategist

Ryan Spence
- Triple C Project -

Explore Simple and Kind Ways to Unfrazzle Your Frazzle

Get started now

If you'Re ready to 

Get yourself